Safe Cloud Servers was founded upon basic principles and needs. We provide easy, reliable and fast web hosting at as low of a price as possible and strive to provide the best possible support, 24/7. Our data center hosts over 50,000 domain names, some very large corporate sites as well as small personal sites, all treated equally and on the top of the line hardware.
Our Team

Mike Ford Co-Founder / President
Mike built his first website at 12 years old and hosted it on a computer in his closet that was built from spare parts. He outgrew that server quickly and needed a reliable host. Fast forward 20 years and Safe Cloud Servers is born off the previous two decades of knowledge and experience. Our datacenter now hosts over 50,000 domains.

John Ford Co-Founder
John was always supportive of his son’s vision of providing the perfect web hosting solution and helped co-found Safe Cloud Servers. His experience in the industry and various business related ventures makes him a perfect fit for the team.

Valerie Murphy Billing / Accounting
Valerie graduated college with a degree in Math and is in charge of all of the billing and accounting. I swear I think she thinks in binary, she is a walking calculator and number cruncher!

Mian Shahzad Administrator
Mian has a very wide range of skills from programming and hardware to WordPress and support. He helps out with everything including support, programming, video tutorials and more.